What is it?
Acne scarring can sometimes develop as a complication of acne. Any type of acne spot can lead to scarring, but it’s more common when the most serious types of spots (nodules and cysts) burst and damage nearby skin. Scarring can also occur if you pick or squeeze your spots.
Acne Scars Types:
Acne scars could vary from one person to person and according to the severity of the acne.
-These three common types usually leave small dents in the skin:
1- Ice pick scars:
2- Rolling scars
3- Boxcar scars
Raised acne scars: these appear as raised scars due to excess production of collagen when recovering from acne. This type of acne scar is more common in people who have darker skin tones.
Acne Scars Types:
Acne scars could vary from one person to person and according to the severity of the acne.